Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

I enjoyed the scavenger hunt. I learned that school is the cause of some stress in my life, no real shocker there! I also learned that I'm a reactor and I like to jump in and fix problems, again, not a real shocker. I call it fixing problems my wife calls it being a bit of a control freak! I liked the "how many years/months/weeks/days, etc old are you" site. I think kids would get a kick out of the countdown to their birthday.
The obvious things students would learn is how to navigate the internet, but I suspect many of them already know how to do that better than I do. They would also learn that there is a wealth of information on the internet if they know how to do the research to find it. This would be a good tool to use when teaching writing. You could have the students do a similar scavenger hunt and then write an "all about me" type of essay.